Jorge N. Tendeiro
Jorge N. Tendeiro
Don Van Ravenzwaaij
VALID: A Checklist-Based Approach for Improving Validity in Psychological Research
Data-driven Prior Elicitation for Bayes Factors in Cox Regression for Nine Subfields in Biomedicine
A Review of Applications of the Bayes Factor in Psychological Research
Decisions About Equivalence: A Comparison of TOST, HDI-ROPE, and the Bayes Factor
Practical Implications of Equating Equivalence Tests: Reply to Campbell and Gustafson (2022)
Bayes Factors for Two-group Comparisons in Cox Regression
Worked-out examples of the adequacy of Bayesian optional stopping
Seven steps toward more transparency in statistical practice
Robustness of Bayesian null hypothesis testing under optional stopping
Implications of teaching Bayesian statistics to undergraduate psychology students
Practical consequences of model misfit when using rating scales to assess the severity of attention problems in children
Bayes factors for superiority, non-inferiority, and equivalence designs